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Separatist Droid Battle Pack - STAP, Destroyer Droid, Dwarf Spider Droid

This is NOT a physical product! This is a digital download and does not come with any physical elements.


Instructions Only!

When you strip away the massive cruisers and starfighter, the real meat of each battle in The Clone Wars usually settles on the ground forces. This pack includes the Dwarf Spider Droid, Droideka, and some STAPs for battle droids. Whether you're trying to fill out a larger battle scene or just trying to find some formidable foes for your clones, this pack will have a way to even the odds.


This purchase is for the instructions and part list ONLY. Please do keep in mind prices tend to fluctuate on the brick selling market.

Dwarf Spider Droid

  • BrickLink Price: ~$15 USD
  • Part Count: 106pieces
  • Dimensions: length 9cm, width 9cm, height 10cm

Droideka (Destoyer Droid)

  • BrickLink Price: ~ $12 ~ $15 USD
  • Part Count: 37pieces
  • Dimensions: length 5cm, width 6cm, height 7cm

STAP (battle droid included)

  • BrickLink Price: ~$10 USD
  • Part Count: pieces 25(Brown) 27(Blue)
  • Dimensions: length 4cm, width 3cm, height 10cm


PDF Manual & (XML + text)Partlist for Bricklink.


BrickVault:  Flickr

Separatist Droid Battle Pack - STAP, Destroyer Droid, Dwarf Spider Droid Mi carrito

Ver detalles del producto Separatist Droid Battle Pack - STAP, Destroyer Droid, Dwarf Spider Droid
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