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Link - The Wind Waker

This is NOT a physical product! This is a digital download and does not come with any physical elements.


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Instructions Only!

Link is one of the most recognizable heroes in the video game world. Spanning through decades of game releases his look hasn't fundamentally changed too much. He's usually blond, has a tunic, sword, shield, and yells a lot.  This particular iteration of Link is based on his Wind Waker look from the early 2000's. His head is bigger and he is a bit more cartoony.


This model has some minimal ability to pose with the sword, shield, feet, and head.

This purchase is for the instructions and part list ONLY. Please do keep in mind prices tend to fluctuate on the brick selling market.


  • BrickLink Price: ~$110 - $125 USD
  • Part Count: 772 pieces
  • Dimensions: Length 16cm, width 10cm, height 21cm

Designer Brick Vault: flickr

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