BARC speeder - Minifig Scale
This is NOT a physical product! This is a digital download and does not come with any physical elements.
Builder: David Buchholz
Get BrickLink Parts List
Instructions Only!
The BARC speeder is has a name that truly fits its function. BARC stands for BIKER Advanced Recon Commando. It's extremely fast and has the ability to take-on ground personnel or anything crazy enough to try and chase it. Only Jedi or highly trained clones every rode these machines. Also the models swoosh real nice.
Includes partlist and instructions for different colors.
This purchase is for the instructions and part lists ONLY. Please do keep in mind prices tend to fluctuate on the brick selling market.
- BrickLink Price (any color): ~$25 - $35 USD, $35-$45 USD (with sidecar)
- Part Count: 116pieces (with sidecar) 175pieces
- Dimensions: Length 15cm, Width 6cm (with sidecar 10cm), Height 4cm
PDF Manual & Partlist for Bricklink.
David Buchholz - Flickr | Instagram