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Balrog - Durin's Bane

This is NOT a physical product! This is a digital download and does not come with any physical elements.


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Instructions Only!

Few creatures of fantasy or fiction could stand up to the likes of a Balrog. And fewer still have looked better on the big screen as Durin's Bane did when it appeared fighting Gandalf in The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring. This fallen angelic being commands fire and darkness as it's weapons and how on earth was this guy never made into an official LEGO set?! Well that's not a problem anymore, this minfigure scale beast can be easily posed and is quite strong (head being a little touchy).


This purchase is for the instructions of the Balrog. As well as digital partlist that can be uploaded online of easy purchase of parts. Please do keep in mind prices to tend to fluctuate on the brick selling market. The Gandalf minifigure + sword and staff are included on the partlist as well.

  • BrickLink Price: ~ 25$  -  35$ USD
  • Part Count: 378 pieces (including Gandalf minfigure and his weapons)


PDF Instruction manual & part lists for uploading online. Also a Read Me text file for extra guidance. 


Aaron Newman - Flickr

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