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ARC-170 Starfighter - Minifig Scale (Original Build)

This is NOT a physical product! This is a digital download and does not come with any physical elements.


Builder: Thomas Jenkins

Parts Count: 1539

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Instructions Only!

The ARC-170 (Aggressive ReConnaissance) Starfighter was the perfect predecessor to the X-Wing. It's big, bulky, and packs a punch with all kinds of heavy weaponry aboard. It's medium blasters on either wingtip were powerfull enough to pierce capital ship armor. And because the ship was a bit too slow to consistently shake off tailing fighters the ARC-170 had not one, but two rear guns. Also equipped with powerful sensors in the nose and proton torpedoes, it's no wonder why some considered this ship to be just as effective as a bomber.

This model features opening cockpits with space for three minifigures, and a slot to house the astromech droid. It also has stable and accurate folding landing gear as well as a display stand.


This purchase is for the instructions and part lists ONLY. Please do keep in mind prices tend to fluctuate on the brick selling market.

  • Price: ~$200 - $240 USD (stand price $15USD)
  • Part Count: 1539 pieces, stand 118 pieces
  • Dimensions: Length 37cm (including cannons) 33cm (without cannon lengths), width 51 cm, height 14 cm (on landing gear) 22cm (on stand)


PDF Manual & Partlist for Bricklink.


Thomas Jenkins:  Flickr | Instagram

ARC-170 Starfighter - Minifig Scale (Original Build) My cart

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